• Responsible and comprehensive treatment-care of all medical cases (internal medicine, surgery, cardiology, orthopedics, etc.) staffed by highly specialized and experienced physicians and highly scientific trained nursing and administrative personnel. They work on an appointment from Monday to Friday from 08.00 to 20.00.
  • Accommodated in a well-equipped, open-plan space on the ground floor of the Clinic, in order to ensure avoidance of unnecessary patient transfer and facilitate direct cooperation among various medical specialties, where needed.
  • Supported by the highly organized Laboratories of Metropolitan General: Central Laboratories, Anatomical Pathology, Medical Imaging, Nuclear Medicine, Hemodynamics, Cardiology, Endoscopy, Neurophysiology, Pulmonary Function Lab, In-lab Sleep Study, Bronchoscopy
  • Μedical visit includes: medical history, clinical examination, correlation of the results of previous diagnostic tests/medical opinions, and physician’s advice.


For appointments, call: + 30 210 6502662, Monday - Friday, 08:00 - 20:00