The function of the clinic targets the specialized diagnosis and treatment of the acute and chronic diseases of the upper extremity. An indication of these diseases is given below:
- Tendon ruptures (e.g. Mallet finger)
- Traumatic nerve injuries
- Compression neuropathies (e.g. Carpal Tube Syndrome, Ulnar neuritis, Radial nerve entrapment syndrome)
- Fractures of the upper extremities (e.g. scaphoid fracture)
- Finger stiffness
- Finger deformities
- Syndaktyly
- Pseudoarthrosis
- Wrist disorders (e.g. Wrist arthritis, Kienbock disease)
- Dupuytren's disease
- Tumors of the upper extremity (e.g. Glomus tumor, ganglion cysts, Tenosynovial Giant Cell Tumor)
- Ligament ruptures (e.g. ulnar collateral ligament of the thumb)
At the same time, the clinic has the appropriate scientific equipment including analog evaluation instruments of the upper extremity, with international certification, for the purpose of determining patient’s clinical condition, in each phase of the evolution of the respective disease. Thus, each patient has the opportunity to be informed in real time about the course of his disease and to follow an individualized recovery program.