The Radiology Laboratory of Metropolitan General is fully equipped with digital technology machines, resulting to a better quality of examinations, an importantly reduced dosage of radiation and the avoidance of repetitive captures.
All the radiological examinations are performed, from simple digital x-rays to special radiological and radioscopical investigations, such as the intravenous pyelogram, barium meal, enteroclysis and syringography. The Department has a modern, fully digital, remotely controlled radioscopical machine, with flat digital tracer (flat panel), which provides the optimal image quality and the maximum distinctive ability, using the minimal possible dosage of radiation. Also, it has a digital radiological machine, with the high technology ortho package system, with which full spinal and lower limb x-rays are performed.
The Radiology Laboratory has a fully developed system of management and archiving of the medical picture - Picture Archive and Communication System (P.A.C.S.). After the completion of the examination, the picture is stored and managed by a series of computers, separately for each patient. The use of high- resolution monitors, the possibilities of meta-processing and the access to previous examinations for comparison, give the opportunity to the physician of imaging department to have a full image of the patient’s results and to make faster and safer diagnoses.
Working Hours: Monday - Friday 07:00 - 23:00 & Saturday 08:00 - 16:00
Coverage of emergencies 24 hours a day.
Contact Tel.: +30 210 650 2510 - +30 210 650 2511