The Spine Clinic at Metropolitan General Hospital treats and responds to the entire spectrum of the spinal disease pathology ranging from the occipitocervical to the sacrococcygeal region. Our Clinic is staffed with specialized scientists, i.e. spinal surgeons with many years of experience in spine disease centers in Greece and abroad (the US, Canada and Europe). Our Clinic is committed to rendering high-quality medical care in accordance with international standards.
The Spine Clinic treats spinal pathology with all classic and modern endoscopic and minimally invasive techniques, by personalizing all patient cases as our surgical team is staffed with eminent scientists from a wide variety of medical specialties, such as neurologists, physiatrists, physical therapists, neurophysiologists, psychologists, orthotic physicians (using a spine multidisciplinary approach). Our Clinic follows the practices of international reference centers and covers the entire nosology spectrum and extensions of spinal diseases.
The Spine Clinic at Metropolitan General operates as a spine center along three basic orientations: scoliosis, trauma and oncology of the spinal column.
Scoliosis (idiopathic, adolescent or adult) is treated by our Clinic by means of all modern techniques with or without the use of robotic technology or neuronavigation. Building upon many years of specialization and experience in this particular medical field, our pioneering clinical staff participates actively in scientific conferences in Greece and abroad and in programs of conservative monitoring of scoliosis and kyphosis patients, in preventative programs, in school screenings and in technically demanding surgical treatments of such malformations, both idiopathic and adult/generative.
Additionally, by adhering to all recent international protocols in trauma and spinal column/cord injury management, our Clinic abides by the principle of direct, immediate (within a few hours) rehabilitation and stabilization of any injury (whenever indicated) for rapid mobilization and repair in complex injury patients. Our Clinic is available on a 24-hour basis for all complicated spinal injuries covering the entire spine from the occipitocervical/upper cervical part to the sacral region. Metropolitan General is one of the few select hospitals with readily available technology, material infrastructure and state-of-the-art technical equipment, corresponding to all international standards in the treatment of such incidents.
Spinal column (primary or metastatic) tumor management is a special subspecialty in spinal surgery. The diagnostic and treatment approaches to these patients require coordinated cooperation of a number of medical specialties. Moreover, the treatment of such incidents requires specialized training and experience. By placing a sound oncology strategy and patient quality of life as its top priorities, our Clinic covers completely the nosological spectrum of spinal conditions through a variety of surgical techniques, such as en bloc tumor removals, combined access, kyphoplasty, stabilizing techniques or palliative interventions.
Conditions treated at the Spine Center:
- Spinal malformations
- Child, adolescent and adult scoliosis
- Adolescent and adult kyphosis
- Spinal injuries and fractures
- Osteoporotic fractures (vertebral collapse)
- Pathological spinal fractures
- Spinal tumors (benign, primary or metastatic)
- Vertebral stenosis
- Myelopathy (cervical or thoracic)
- Degenerative spinal disease
- Lumbar, thoracic, cervical or pelvic pain
- Vertebral slippage
- Post - traumatic spinal malformations
- Failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS)
- Iatrogenic spinal instability
- Cervical disc disease
- Lower back disc disease/ intervertebral disc herniation
- Congenital syndrome
- Paralytic scoliosis
- Cauda equine syndrome
- Ancylotic spondylitis
- Spondylitis and spondolylodiscitis
Emmanouil Tsafantakis, Orthopedic Spine Surgeon
Deputy Chief:
Christos Zafeiris, Orthopedic Spine Surgeon
Christos Kyrilis, Orthopedic Surgeon
Paris Christogeorgos, Orthopedic Spine Surgeon
Contact number +30 210 650 2845 - 46