At our clinic the patients are treated with all modern and classical methods for all cardiac problems requiring surgery.
All kinds of cardiac surgery operation may be performed:
- Aortic-coronary bypass
- With beating heart and circulation bypass
- Exclusively with arterial or other grafts
- Replacement or reconstruction of all cardiac valves
- Aortic valve
- Mitroid valve
- Tricuspid valve
- Replacement of the thoracic aorta
- Replacement of the aortic root with the Bentall method
- Replacement of the aortic root with the Yacoub or David methods
- Replacement of the ascending aorta with a straight graft
- Replacement of the aortic arch with a straight graft
- Treatment of the descending thoracic aorta through stent placement
- Treatment of split aortas
- Treatment of heart failures
- Closure of all kinds of interatrial communication
- Treatment of heart tumors
- Removal of endocardial tumors
- Treatment of cardiac arrhythmias
- Surgical heart ablation
- Complex surgeries
- Combination of all foregoing procedures
Modern treatment of all cardio-surgery diseases requires a minimal intervention procedure.
Minimal intervention cardiac surgery is the result of many years of experience in thoracic and cardiac surgery procedures, including the implementation of all kinds of surgeries ranging from aortic-coronary bypasses to complex aortic and valve surgeries.
The clinical intervention techniques include the following surgeries:
- Treatment of aortic valve stenosis or failures
- Aortic valve plastic reconstruction or replacement through a minimal “J” sternotomy or thoracotomy surgical section.
- Treatment of ascending aorta or aortic root aneurysms
- Aorta replacement surgery with a straight graft or aortic root surgery with the Bentall method.
- Treatment of mitroid valve stenosis or failures
- Mitroid valve plastic or replacement operation through a minor right thoracotomy.
- Treatment of single-vessel coronary disease
- Bypass surgery through minor thoracotomy and re-perfusion of the anterior descending branch with the left mammary artery (LIMA to LAD – left interior mammary artery to left anterior descending).
- Treatment of atrial fibrillation
- Thoracoscopic/endoscopic ablation surgery
What is the minimal intervention technique?
The operation is performed under general anesthesia. The surgical section measures approximately between five and eight cm. Sometimes, the section may be even smaller in the area of the sternum or the chest, while the femoral vessels are used for the connection of the patient with bypass circulation.
After opening the aorta, the heart surgeon corrects (performs “reconstructive surgery”) or removes the patient’s destroyed valve and replaces it with a new one.
The surgical operation may last between two and three hours.
The twelve advantages of minimal intervention on the aortic valve are:
- No complete opening of the pericardium is required.
- Reduced loss of blood.
- Reduction of ICU time to half.
- Minimization of pain combined with rapid mobilization.
- Reduced risk of infections.
- Minimization of paravalvular leaks.
- Minimization of necessity to place a permanent pacemaker.
- Minimization of post-operative complications.
- Hospitalization of four to five days.
- Speedy recovery.
- Rapid return to normal living.
- Excellent aesthetic result.
Specifically, in cases of aortic valve stenoses, which one is more preferable: the surgical technique or a transcathater aortic valve implantation (TAVI)?
Almost zero risk of paravalvular leak, or placement of a permanent pacemaker –i.e. problems that may lead to shorter patient survival–the possibility of selecting a proper (bioprosthetic or metallic) valve from a wide range of valves, guaranteed sound operation for many years, depending on the each patient’s personalized needs: these are the strong benefits of this method in comparison with the TAVI procedure.
Metropolitan General’s Clinic of Minimally Invasive Thoracic Surgery is staffed by renowned scientific personnel.
Christoforos Kotoulas, Heart Surgeon
Deputy Chief:
Ιοannis Panagiotou, Heart Surgeon
Lazaros Kalampalikis, Cardiothoracic Surgeon
Contact number: +30 210 650 2127
Metropolitan General’s Clinic of Minimally Invasive Heart Surgery is staffed by renowned scientific personnel.
Christoforos Kotoulas, Heart Surgeon
Deputy Chief:
Ιοannis Panagiotou, Heart Surgeon
Lazaros Kalampalikis, Cardiothoracic Surgeon
Contact number: +30 210 650 2127