In the 4th Breast Clinic, we strictly apply the latest international protocols and we use all the internationally available, advanced diagnostic and therapeutic methods. Surgical oncology is combined with the most modern oncoplastic surgical techniques and the most innovative techniques for immediate reconstruction of the breast. Patients who trust their health in the 4th Breast Clinic have exactly the same diagnostic and therapeutic options with patients treated in major breast units overseas.
This is ensured by the fact that the Director of the clinic Dr. Stergios Douvetzemis specialized in Oncoplastic and Reconstructive Breast Surgery in London, at the prestigious and world-renowned Breast Unit of Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, where after accomplishing a comprehensive Senior Clinical Fellowship, he was appointed Consultant Oncoplastic and Reconstructive Breast Surgeon and Clinical Governance Lead for Breast Surgery. At the same time, he was Consultant Oncoplastic and Reconstructive Breast Surgeon at University Hospital Lewisham of London.
Dr. Douvetzemis has acquired all the official European certifications in Breast Surgery. He is Fellow of the UEMS European Board of Surgery (FEBS), with a Qualification in Breast Surgery, following his successful participation in written and oral exams (EBSQ). It is worth noting that as of 2021, he has the great honour to be himself an examiner of UEMS for granting the European certification to breast surgeons. An honour which is conferred upon very few breast surgeons internationally, as the selection is made with very strict criteria. Moreover, he was among the first breast surgeons in Europe who received BRESO European Breast Surgical Oncology Certification (CEBS).
Dr. Douvetzemis is Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England (FRCS) and he also is member of various surgical societies, including ESSO, EUSOMA and ABS.
His academic contribution, in London, as Honorary Clinical Lecturer for research and postgraduate teaching, in the Division of Cancer and Pharmaceutical Sciences, at King’s College London School of Life Sciences and Medicine, was rewarded with his promotion to Honorary Senior Lecturer.
He is Associate Professor at the Medical School of University of Nicosia and Deputy Academic Lead for the all the HHG Hospitals (Hygeia, Metropolitan Hospital, Metropolitan General, Mitera). He is also the Clinical Lead for the training of the medical students of University of Nicosia in Breast Surgery in all the HHG hospitals.
Dr Douvetzemis graduated from Athens Medical School (MD) and was awarded his doctorate degree (PhD), with Honours, from the same University. He received his post-graduate training in General Surgery at the largest, public, multi-specialty, tertiary referral hospital of the Balkan region, which is the General Hospital of Athens "Evaggelismos". He was awarded his Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) in Surgery, with Honours, by the Athens Prefecture.
He maintains his knowledge and expertise through active involvement in research programs, lecturing in conferences and involvement in undergraduate and postgraduate teaching. He is well published internationally, with 2 book chapters and several papers in peer-reviewed journals.
Services provided in the 4th Breast Clinic:
- Detailed record of personal and family history
- Estimation of the risk of developing breast cancer and referral for genetic testing, when indicated
- In-depth clinical examination
- Diagnosis and treatment of all kinds of breast disease (benign and malignant)
- Breast Surgical Oncology dedicated consultation
- Oncoplastic Breast Surgery dedicated consultation
- Pre-symptomatic breast screening
- Surveillance of high-risk population for developing breast cancer (genetic mutations carriers, strong family history)
- Follow up of patients with history of breast cancer
- Imaging of the breast, in collaboration with the Breast Radiology department of Metropolitan General Hospital and if indicated:
- Ultrasound-guided Fine Needle Aspiration (FNAc), under local anaesthesia, for cytology
- Ultrasound-guided Core Needle Biopsy, under local anesthesia, for histology
- Stereotactic Vacuum-Assisted Biopsy (Stereo-VAB) of micro-calcifications or other mammographic findings, under local anaesthesia, for histology
- MRI-guided biopsy, under local anaesthesia and sedation, for histology
- The whole range of oncological, oncoplastic, reconstructive and aesthetic breast operations
Breast operations carried out in the 4th Breast Clinic:
In the 4th Breast Clinic, we carry out the whole range of oncological, oncoplastic, reconstructive and aesthetic breast operations. Specifically:
- The whole range of classic oncological breast operations. Neddle-localized excision biopsy of micro-calcification (when Stereotactic Vacuum-Assisted Biopsy is not feasible), excision biopsy, wide local excision of breast cancer, mastectomy.
- The whole range of complex oncoplastic breast operations. In out clinic, our first priority is the oncological safety of our patients and at the same time we place emphasis in breast conservation, something that can be achieved, in the vast majority of cases, with the use of oncoplastic surgery, which is applied in cases with large or multifocal/multicentric tumours, for which, in the past, mastectomy would have been the only option. Oncoplastic surgery is also used in order to to achieve symmetry or to correct unacceptable deformity caused by previous breast operations. In oncoplastic breast surgery we combine the principles of surgical oncology with plastic surgery, so that we can offer to our patients excellent oncological and aesthetic results. The inevitable fact that oncological safety is always our priority, cannot be an excuse for inferior aesthetic results, since over time, this is what will significantly affect patients’ quality of life on a daily basis.
- The whole range of operations in the axilla. Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy (SLNB), Targeted Axillary Dissection (TAD) following neo-adjuvant chemotherapy, Axillary lymph Node Clearance.
- The whole range of breast reconstruction with fixed-volume implants or tissue-expanders. In cases where breast conservation is not feasible and mastectomy is necessary, in our clinic, we give emphasis in immediate, direct-to-implant, pre-pectoral (implant placed over the pec major muscle) reconstruction of the breast, with or without the use of an (ADM – Acellular Dermal Matrix). This reconstructive technique has become the “gold standard” in all the major breast centers of the developed countries internationally. Dr. Douvetzemis is one of the pioneers, as he is applying this technique widely since 2016 in London.
- The whole range of breast reconstruction with autologous free-flaps, in collaboration with a Plastic Surgeon specialized in micro-surgery, with whom Dr. Douvetzemis used to work closely together in London, as well. A technique that, is also, the “gold standard” in all of the major breast centers of the developed countries.
- Prophylactic mastectomy and immediate breast reconstruction with implants or autologous free-flaps for high-risk population (genetic mutations carriers, women with a significant family history)
- Lipomodelling (liposuction and lipofilling in the breast)
- The whole range of aesthetic breast surgery (breast augmentation, mastopexy - breast lift, breast reduction, correction of congenital dysmorphia)
The 4th Breast Clinic is in close collaboration with:
- The Multi-Disciplinary Meeting (MDT) of Metropolitan General Hospital
- The Breast Radiology department of Metropolitan General Hospital, which is led by a specialized breast radiologist and is equipped with the latest generation Mammographer, with Tomosynthesis and with high-resolution Ultrasound scanner, with elastography
- The Radiology department of the hospital, which is equipped with 3 Tesla MRI Tomographer and the latest CT scanner
- The Nuclear Medicine department of the hospital for Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy (SLNB) and to conduct diagnostic examinations
- The Pathology department of the hospital for the histological results of needle biopsies and surgical operations
- The Physical Therapy department of Metropolitan General
- Psychiatrist and psychologist – psychotherapist, when necessary
- Medical Oncologist and Clinical Oncologist
Stergios Douvetzemis, MD, PhD, FRCS, FEBS, CEBS
Specialized Oncoplastic and Reconstructive Breast Surgeon
Zoe Papaefthymiou, MD, MSc, General Surgeon
Maria Psarou, MD, MSc, Anesthesiologist
Maria Papadaki, MSc, Psychologist – Psychotherapist
Contact tel.: +30 210 650 2883/ 2885