A Study Day titled “Modern management of benign prostate hyperplasia with Greenlight Laser” is being held today, Thursday 24 January 2009, at 12:30 in the Events Hall of Metropolitan General in Cholargos.

The rapporteur of the Study Day is Mr. V. Golematis-Professor, Chair of Metropolitan General Scientific Committee. Mr. Ath. Kostakopoulos, Urologist, Assoc. Professor of Urology at the University of Athens, shall be the moderator.

The “Greenlight Laser” is a new, pioneering laser method for the treatment of Benign Prostate hyperplasia (BPH), applied over the last months at Metropolitan General Hospital. “Greenlight Laser” (or photo - sublimation of the prostate with high-power laser systems) does not compare to any other hypertrophic prostate treatment technique, given it combines the effectiveness of surgical removal and the safety of a low invasive method. The “Greenlight Laser” is an "One-off" procedure and has few complications. Its safety, effectiveness and duration profiles have been well established in clinical studies conducted for more than 5 years in a number of pioneering hospital institutions worldwide.

More than 250,000 Greenlight laser surgeries have been successfully performed on a global basis; now, this innovative method is available in Greece, too.

It is estimated that approximately 600,000 men in Greece suffer from symptoms induced by BPH. Now, these men can opt for Greenlight laser treatment, which is FDA approved. The Greenlight laser method offers immediate relief from this disturbing condition, in absence of side-effects or drug regimes cost or risks associated with traditional surgical techniques or thermal therapy-induced delayed symptom improvement. Thousands of patients worldwide who have successfully undergone the Greenlight laser procedure are extremely satisfied with the method and spread the message.

BPH symptoms include:

  • A sense that the bladder is never completely empty, even after voiding
  • Frequent or painful urination
  • Increased frequency of urination at night (nocturia)
  • Weak or intermittent urine flow
  • Incontinence
  • Difficulty starting or stopping urination
  • Sudden, strong urge to urinate

To find out more about Greenlight laser and the new treatment, please call at +30 210 650 2000