A pioneering operation of penile restoration was performed a few days ago by Dr. Emmanouil Prokopakis, Genito-urethral Plastic Surgeon, at Metropolitan General.

Once more, Metropolitan General and the Male Genito-Urethral Plastic Surgery Unit are featured as an international medical center of reference. An innovative surgical method for penile and scrotal restoration that has been rarely conducted on a global basis was successfully performed at our Clinic.

The patient travelled from the USA to specifically visit Athens and Metropolitan General, in order to be submitted to surgical reduction of lymphedema and penile and scrotal restoration without the use of skin grafts. The restoration was solely based on the use of intact ad hoc skin flaps, resulting in quick recovery of the patient and an impressive post-operative outcome.

The patient suffered from 9.5 kg of excessive lymphedematous penile and scrotal tissue, a fact rendering his movement and transportation difficult and he was confined to home for the past 2 years. In his letter to our Clinic, subsequent to his operation, his excitement and the enthusiasm of his family and attending physicians for the post-operative outcome is more than evident.

It is not the first time that the Male Genito-Urethral Plastic Surgery Unit undertakes and successfully manages such complex and difficult to treat cases from abroad. This is why the highly specialized medical staff of the Unit and the state-of-the-art medical equipment constitutes the essential presupposition for a successful outcome. In general, the Unit deals with congenital and acquired penile and urethral anatomy and function lesions located distal to the outer sphincter.