A new hope for thousands of epileptics is born through the novel Epilepsy Investigation & Epilepsy Surgery method applied at Metropolitan General. Namely, the Department of Neurology runs a model Epilepsy Investigation and Epilepsy Surgery Clinic according to international standards and specialized staff comprising neurologists – epileptologists, neurosurgeons and specialized technicians, all of whom work together to investigate several types of epilepsy; they localized drug-resistant epilepsy cases and conduct all necessary tests, in order to detect the epileptogenic zone and operate it, if applicable.

This Unit is one of the few specialized in the field of epilepsy in Europe. It conducts various tests, such as multi-day video EEG (interictal and ictal), functional tests, such as ictal SPECT, hippocampal spectroscopy and functional MRΙ to accurately map the epileptogenic zone and the centers of speech, memory, etc in the brain.

In addition, for the safe outcome of the surgical procedure, our Clinic conducts brain corticography to assist both the neurosurgeon and the epileptologist define surgical margins.

The Model Epilepsy Investigation and Epilepsy Surgery Clinic accommodates a latest technology 128-channel long-term electroencephalographic video monitoring equipment.